Do you have a carpet complaint or problem that needs independent assessment by an experienced carpet Inspector?
Do you live in the Edinburgh, Lothians or Central Belt of Scotland? Are you looking for an Expert to help resolve the issue? Does your carpet have a manufacturing flaw, installation problem or has it suffered damage after a clean? We can carry out chemical analysis and a physical examination to get to the bottom of the problem.
We have years of experience in the investigation of carpet complaints. Our job is to establish the truth and give a definitive answer. Our job is not to find on the side of who ever employs us. Findings will be based on facts and we will be prepared to defend our findings in the witness box should a case proceed to court. We are completely independent.
All investigations are carried out by Bill Weir who was trained by Dr Eric Brown. Dr Brown has undertaken inspections in the USA, Canada, Oman, Iran, Jordan and more than 10 European Countries. These have involved carpet problems in casinos, hotels, restaurants, corporate headquarters and on cruise ships, even Royal Yachts. His knowledge is second to none and his teaching courses are highly sought after. As a result of training by Dr Brown...